Downtown Shediac
Downtown Shediac, with its parks, historic panels, Artist Alley events, heritage buildings, etc., is the perfect place to meet fellow citizens and tourists alike who attend our cultural activities.
3D murals and sculptures
Several 3D sculptures and murals have been erected in town. Monette Léger’s production team as well as sculptor Winston Bronnum created these works of art.
″The Giant Lobster″

The World’s Largest Lobster greets visitors at the Shediac Rotary Park’s entrance. This mighty crustacean, built by artist Winston Bronnum, is a concrete and reinforced steel statue weighing 90 tons that rests on a 32-ton base. It was inaugurated in 1990 as part of the 41st edition of the Shediac Lobster Festival.
″ Good Old Days / Dans l’bon vieux temps ″

Mural painted on an outer wall of the lobster processing factory located at 261 Main Street, depicting life out on the docks, circa 1950.
″ L’Identité d’un peuple ″

This wood sculpture tells the story of the Acadian people beginning in 1604 by using several Acadian symbols. It is displayed in the Pascal-Poirier Historic House’s garden located at 399, Main Street.
″ Un moment dans l’histoire ″

Mural painted on an outer wall of Flemming’s garage located at 332 Main Street, depicting life in Shediac, circa 1960.
″ Se respecter, un pas vers la communauté ″

Mural painted by students of École Mgr. François-Bourgeois located at 294 Belliveau Avenue.
Rotary Park and its Giant Lobster

The Rotary Park with its Giant Lobster has become a must for visitors. The guides at the Tourist Information Centre are waiting to welcome you to Shediac.