2025 Shediac March Break

Public notice - Rezoning requests
The Shediac Municipal Council is considering two (2) requests to amend By-law P-14-36, entitled “Shediac Municipal Plan”, as well as By-law Z-14-44, enacted on April 28, 2014, and filed in the Westmorland County Registry Office under no. 33795973, on May 23, 2014.
A public presentation will be given on the modification of the Land Use Map designation at the regular meeting of February 18, 2025, at 6 pm in the council chambers.
Interested persons may consult these drafts by-laws at the Town Clerk's Office at Shediac Town Hall from Monday to Thursday from 8 am to noon and from 1 pm to 4 pm and on Friday from 8 am to noon.
You can also consult the following documents on our website in the Regulations, by-laws and municipal plan section.
Sylvain Montreuil